Colombia Flowers


Copyright © 2009, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.

Most of these photos were shot in Mongui, Colombia. All were taken during October, 2009 with a Nikon S600 Coolpix. I'm sorry I can't identify but a few of these plants, and none of the fruits nor the tiny hummingbird either. Maximize the size of this window in your Web browser for the full effect...

Okay, not a fruit, but still pretty. We ate it.

Bouganinillea in the Candelaria section of Bogotá.

Red-hot-poker or Torch Lilly.

Geraniums growing out of a bridge built in 1715.



Tiny fruit. We ate these too.


Opium poppies — it's legal to grow up to 19 of them for personal use.


Geraniums and the (former) hotel across the bridge from our hacienda.

Probably a White-Bellied Woodstar. [Thanks to Dennis Weatherly for the ID]

The next few were shot at about 11,000' above sea level.

The Lupine and Dandilions were familiar...

More Torch Lillies.

Jen snapping a fruit selection in Caldelaria.

Calla Lillies that Mark bought in Mongui. He got a dozen of these,
plus 4 other bunches of mixed flowers for about $2 total!