2010 Yukon Solo Motorcycle Trip

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Day 14 — Ft. Nelson, BC to Chetwynd, BC

I figured Saturday would be just a ride, with nothing to photograph. Every time I thought that I got proven wrong. I actually got a few good ones that day, though I had to cheat and put in one of the bike that is very meaningful to me, but probably kinda ho-hum for everyone else except my motorcycle addict friends...

I got tangled up with a HDD (horizontal directional drilling) crew that was admiring my bike about 4pm in Chetwynd after I checked into the motel. I was just walking back from the convenience store, and they were just waking up to my bike, each carrying a 12-pack of 5% Canadian beer. They handed me one, and kept handing them to me faster than I could drink them.

Really interesting guys. I learned a lot about how Natural Gas is piped out of northern BC, and in how many ways B.P. had screwed the pooch in the Gulf of Mexico from their Safety guy. Barely escaped with a shred of sobriety left at 10pm and had to walk 1/2 mile (fortunately it was still daylight) back to the hotel from the bar where we ended up. 5% beer kicks my ass!

My bike STILL needed a bath, but I figured I'd wait until I got home. I'm not a fan of pressure washers, and I guessed it would just get dirtier in the next 1,000 miles on the way home.

Pretty, eh? I really liked the contrast of the red against the white of the willows and the greens of the grasses. This was on Hwy 29 along the Peace river, east of Dawson City (Mile zero of the Alaska Highway).

My favorite shot of the day. Even prettier in real life than this photo would suggest. There was much more orange than the camera managed to capture. This was just NW of the Peace river, very near Hudson's Hope, BC. This is another shot I have a large version of if you want a copy...

Copyright © 2010, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.