2010 Yukon Solo Motorcycle Trip

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By the Numbers

1,000,000+ Number of Fireweed plants seen (pink through purple).
1,000's Number of Ravens seen, and the number of times I thought about my family members and friends.
100's Number of Wood Buffalo, Magpies, Beaver dams and bicyclists seen.
Many Number of Deer, Elk, Moose, Caribou and Eagles seen.
A few Number of Mountain Goats, Bear and Foxes seen.
1 Number of Beaver, Porcupines and Dall Sheep seen.
2 New birds seen (Willow Ptarmigan and Gyrfalcon).
9 New aquaintances made.
2 New friends made.
3 New foods experienced (Caribou stew, Romanesco, Yukon Gold beer).
4,900 Approximate number of miles ridden.
800 Approximate number of miles I rode through forest fire smoke (16% of my trip).
17 Number of days on the road.
3 Number of roads I planned to ride that were closed by water or fire and requiring a change in plans.
4 Number of things lost (tailbag rain cover, a power cord for my heated jacket liner, some drug-store 1.25 power reading glasses and my camera). I learned to do without the rain cover and had a spare power cord and pair of reading glasses.
1 Number of things found (my camera on the ground in a thick stand of willows leading down a steep ban to a waterfall I wanted to shoot).
$68Cdn Least expensive room I stayed in (and one of the nicest).
$130Cdn Most expensive room I stayed in.
39F - 81F Biggest temperature range experienced on the bike in a single day's riding.
478 Number of 4000 x 3000 pixel photographs I took.
0.5 Number of times my concentration lapsed and I went "Oops!".
0 Number of close calls.
0 Number of resolutions I made.
4 Number of pounds my weight dropped on the trip — hope it was all fat!
97.11 Percentage of oncoming motorcyclists who waved back at me.
95.34 Percentage of oncoming motorcyclists who didn't back at me who were riding Harley Davidsons or metric cruisers [see Note1].
NaN How much I love my F800GS (I do, I do) [see Note2].

Note1: To be fair, I saw more Harley Davidsons on the road than any other single brand. I'd guess BMW GS'es were second in number. I also suspect some who didn't wave were simply occupied with some other task, like paying attention to some traffic issue.

Note2: for you non-geeks, 'NaN' is an acronym for "Not a Number", a concept, and sometimes an actual 'thing', in certain programming languages. It's useful for knowing if a named variable contains a number (or something which is decidedly not a number).

Copyright © 2010, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.