WetLeather Does the Alps (HMarc's photos)

This was a tour of the European Alps by motorcycle organized by myself in the fall of 1999. Thirty seven WetLeather™ folks did the trip in July of 2001, using Edelweiss, an Austrian company. We had a Webpage for the tour.

Click on an image to start the show. Each page contains buttons to navigate forward, back, and to return to this page.

The images are hyperlinked to fullsize (2000x1500 pixel) images which make a better source from which to print copies. All images are Copyright © 2001 by H. Marc Lewis -- permission is granted to all participants of the WetLeather Does the Alps (Edelweiss) tour to use these photos for personal, non-commercial use.

Produced by Marc's "webshow" Perl script on 27-Sep-2002