2010 Yukon Solo Motorcycle Trip

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Day 3 — Hinton, AB to Dawson Creek, BC

Tuesdays ride started at 46F and ended at 79F, but was sunny all day with no rain. Also not nearly so scenic as yesterday, but then Jasper/Banff is pretty hard to top. Saw a herd of elk near the road, but when I stopped to grab a photo they scattered. Some wildlife seem pretty used to people and cars, less so for motorcycles. The elk I saw were always spooked by the bike.

Pretty colors on Hwy 40 between Hinton and Grand Prairie, AB at 4,000'. Not much traffic on this bit of good pavement either.

More pretty colors on Hwy 40 between Hinton and Grand Prairie, AB. The camera never captures what my eye sees, but I keep taking pictures anyway!

Probably one of the few "G-Rated" such shots on the Internet...

The Alaska Highway starts here in Dawson Creek. It was about 1,400 miles from here to Delta Junction, AK where it ends (it keeps getting shorter due to new construction and re-routing). It was built in just 9 months in 1942 as a response to Pearl Harbor and Japanese threats to the Aleutian Islands.

Canada agreed to donate the right of way, and contributed materials, as long as the United States bore the full cost. Canada also insisted that the road and other facilities in Canada be turned over to Canadian authority after the war ended, which they were.

Copyright © 2010, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.