2010 Yukon Solo Motorcycle Trip

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Day 4 — Dawson Creek, BC to Ft. Nelson, BC

Wednesday was a bit prettier than Tuesday, but otherwise similar. Started at 53F and ended at 73F. I wore the rainsuit jacket for the first few hours (to keep warmer) then took it off. It rained on me only a couple times for a few minutes, otherwise it was sun and clouds all day.

I saw more solo motorcycle riders than groups, and the groups were mostly just two riders. Most heading south, of course. I kept it to 60mph to conserve my tires, as I needed them to last 5,000+ miles. I was more concerned about the rear than the front. I figured that once I turn southward, I'd kick the speed up to 65-70 like most of the rest of the traffic is doing. Which I did.

The historic Kiskatinaw "curved" wooden bridge on the Old Alaska highway, at Mile 21. It was built in 1942, before I was born, when my folks lived in Alaska. The current highway passes some kilometers to the SW of this. The 10km alternate loop does give you a feel for the original roadbed — much narrower, trees way closer to the road, sharper curves, and fewer places to pass. It also demonstrates how the Alaska Highway is getting shorter (and straighter).

What much of the day's ride looked like. This was at about Mile 150 or so. There's a very large (1.9mb) version in the Big Shots section of the index page.

I took this shot for my friend Beth Dixon, a die-hard International fangirl. This is their super-sized extra-cab pickup, called the MXT/4WD. Notice where the door handles are, right about at my elbow height! It does cost more than a Lexus, I checked...

The Alaska Highway here (between Dawson Creek and Ft. Nelson) is as good as any in WA or southern BC. But they cut the trees MUCH further back from the roadway. I thought it was so the traffic could see and avoid the animals better, but I was told it was to prevent forest fires. There are warning signs to watch for Large Mammals crossing the rode about every 10-20 miles.

I saw several variations of this sign, most were yellow with just an outline of a Buffalo. This one was pretty specific, and on this stretch of the Alaska Highway I saw well over 100 Buffalo on the ride home.

Wood Buffalo, aka Wood Bison, are much larger than the Plains Buffalo. Babies through oldsters here. The recent rains followed a mowing (I'd guess about 2 weeks ago) so there was lots of fresh feed for them.

I'd say this was a "northern" thing, but antlers on the wall is pretty common in WA and ID near where I live. It's just that you don't often see moose antlers. Those logs are about 8-10" high.

Copyright © 2010, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.