2010 Yukon Solo Motorcycle Trip

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Day 6 — Watson Lake to Whitehorse, YT

Yukon has the 2nd tallest mountain in North America (Mt. Logan, 19,551'), but only 33,000 people in the entire 186,272 square miles. And 2/3rds of those people live in Whitehorse, which is the Capital. Used to be "Yukon Territory" but in 2003 they changed it to just "Yukon", though the 2-letter abbreviation is still "YT".

Interesting that the French version of the "Larger Than Life" tagline is quite different. It translates to "Splendor of the Canadian North".

Though the day was scenic enough, the rain made it lousy for photos. I had to take this one of what is probably the most recognizable large bird on the continent

It was really cold and rainy Friday (low 46F, high 53F) between Watson Lake and Whitehorse. I saw this sign made of rocks on the road bank. I took it as a sign...

Typical scenery on this stretch of highway.

An interesting building in Whitehorse. I have no idea what the building is for, or why the moose statues are mounted on the roof.
"A Møøse once bit my sister ... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by..."

[We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked.]

Met the HD crew for dinner. Diane picked the Klondike Rib & Salmon — turned out to be probably the best place in this fairly large town. Folks stood outside in the rain for an hour just to get in. L-R: me and caribou stew (yummy!), J.D. and wild salmon, Tim and ribs (also most yummy), Diane and halibut, and Bill who had just a rib sampler. We all had new-to-us beer: Yukon Gold. We agreed it is a fine brew!

They were riding to Anchorage, then to the coast to put their bikes on the ferry to Vancouver Island, BC. Home for them was somewhere in the US Midwest, IIRC. Really nice people. We had a fun evening.

[8/25/10 update] — Diane emailed me the following:

"So sorry to hear you didn’t make it all the way up to Inuvik. We talked to some folks in Juneau who just came from that direction and they told us about the roads being closed due to fires. I guess we made the right choice by not going up to Dawson City and taking the Chicken road to Tok.

We made it up to Fairbanks, Denali, Anchorage and Homer. From there, we went back to Haines and started the ferry rides. That was a welcomed rest and the views were incredible. We spent a few days on Vancouver Island with some friends, then to Seattle, Oregon Coast & San Francisco then took a left and hauled ass home. We got home last Wednesday".

Copyright © 2010, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.