2010 Yukon Solo Motorcycle Trip

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Day 7 — Whitehorse, YT to Dawson City, YT

Another dreary and rainy day, Saturday started in the rain at 46F and eventually warmed up to 54F in the sunshine for an hour or so after Noon, then more rain. Drizzle, really, not a downpour. I dressed more warmly (long johns) so I wasn't so cold, but the lack of sunshine dampened my spirits.

The forecast was for sunshine Mon/Tue and maybe Wed. I looked forward to that! Having heated gear (jacket liner and handgrips) was a Good Thing™ on this trip.

Many up here declare Summer to have disappeared — it was sunny and hot the previous week. IMHO "Summer" should be called "Construction".

This is a "Klondike Quickie", a couple eggs and bacon on a bun. I may have overdone it with the ketchup, if that's possible. Is it? Anyway, it was really tasty. Ate it while watching the Yukon river flow by where Hwy 2's northwestern end (from Ross River and Watson Lake) joins the Klondike Highway. I wanted to take Hwy 2 but made the decision that it was too remote for solo travel this trip. Later, an innkeeper told me that was a very wise call.

Five Fingers rapids on the Yukon. The overlook says: "The swift water and narrow channels through Five Finger Rapid posed a formidable danger to the overloaded boats and rafts of the 1898 Klondike stampeders. Whitehorse-bound sternwheelers had to winch themselves over a 1-2 foot drop in the navigable channel until the underwater obstacle was blasted away."

The pretty (south) side of Dawson, from the dike along the fast-flowing Yukon river. The rest of town has dirt streets, and raised board sidewalks. Lots of tourists here. If you could speak German (and English) you could have your pick of jobs.

I had the most superb dinner at "La Table", a Jager Schnitzel with morel mushrooms and Bechmel sauce, plus potatoes (of course) and veggies. And another Yukon Gold. Amazing for a town of probably only 2,000 permanent residents (making it the 2nd largest community in the Yukon)!

Copyright © 2010, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.